Thinking of proposing?
The Marry Me ring takes the worry (and financial risk) out of popping the question.
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Get engaged the ‘Marry Me’ Way
Simply pop the question using the ‘Marry Me’ Ring. Then, you and your partner can work with us to design a stunning bespoke engagement ring within your pre-set budget, which is totally unique to you!
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We have 3 Packages to choose from: A, B & C. All packages include the Marry Me Ring, as well as secure the creation of a Bespoke Engagment ring! Each package gives a price bracket for the bespoke ring, this allows you to only buy a ring that you know you can afford.
Pictured are examples of bespoke rings created for each package.
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Anne & the team won Jeweller of the year!
At The English Wedding Awards 2017!
here's how it works....
Are you after Bespoke Unique Engagement Rings? Look no further – our Marry Me Ring packages offer just that!
You can either; Buy the ‘Marry Me’ ring on its own and use it to propose with.
Purchase one of our 3 packages, each of which includes the ‘Marry Me’ ring (to propose with), plus a pre-paid deposit towards a bespoke engagement ring, to be designed to your partner’s exact requirements, and hand-made by our talented designers in our Manchester design studio.
The choice is yours....
By buying the ‘Marry Me’ ring on its own, you are not obligated to having us make your bespoke engagement ring…the choice is yours…and your partner’s.
If you both choose for us to create a bespoke engagement ring for you, we will be more than happy to do so.
If you would like to have the security of knowing that your bespoke ring will be commenced within a certain time frame then we recommend choosing one of our packages.
Option to return the 'Marry Me' ring in return for a £50 discount off your bespoke engagement ring.
BUY 'Marry me' ring
By choosing one of our three packages, you’ll not only receive the ‘Marry Me’ ring to propose with, but you’ll also have a deposit which secures your partner a bespoke engagement ring, which you can help us design together.
All packages have a pre-set price bracket for the creation of the bespoke ring. Ensuring that we design a ring that you can afford without having to discuss money when your partner is with us.
All packages reserve you a guaranteed consultation with us, for commencing the design of your bespoke ring.
Option to return the 'Marry Me' ring in return for a £50 discount off your bespoke engagement ring.
By choosing to pop the question with a ‘Marry Me’ ring, you can ensure that your partner gets the exact bespoke unique engagement ring that they have always dreamed of, because they will have a hand in designing it!
What our 'marry me' ring customers say....
“Thank you very much for all help with our rings. We love them! We had a lovely wedding day & a fabulous honeymoon.”
“I love my Bespoke Unique Engagement Ring and matched wedding ring. Thank you for all your hard work.”
“Thank you so much for the wedding ring you made for us. It fits perfectly with my engagement ring.”.
About the 'marry me' ring....
Our unique ‘Marry Me Ring’ is made from Sterling Silver, is decorated with a solid silver heart and engraved with the words ‘Marry Me’.
It is the perfect way to ask that all important question to your loved one. The ring is beautifully packaged and comes with an invitation for you and your partner to visit us to design Bespoke Unique Engagement Ring together.
What’s more, if you choose one of our three exclusive ‘Marry Me’ ring packages, you will also secure a guaranteed date for your bespoke ring to be designed and made, whilst staying within your chosen pre-set budget.
Bespoke Unique Engagement Rings
Our packages have been designed to allow you total flexibility. You can propose using the ‘Marry Me’ ring, without risking a large sum of money on a ring that your partner might not like. Then they can enjoy the once in a lifetime chance to create their perfect engagement ring.